Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Prize Winner of Defiance

Christmas is in two days, in case you were unaware. We drew names again. I got little Miss P. I am excited to give her what every eight year old girl wants: orange nail polish, red skinny jeans with diamonds on the pockets (accessorized by me), and a silly gift I hope she appreciates. I also went a little overboard and am excited to surprise my mother and sister with little things I found that I thought were perfect for them. I'd tell you what I got, but I fear my mama may read this before the big day. Sorry mom. (:

Aside from the presents, cookies, and celebrating, I watched a movie tonight with my family that had nothing yet everything to do with Christmas. It is called "The Prize Winner of Defiance". This is based on a true story, even better! It's about a woman who enters many contests and basically, that is how she, her husband, and her ten kids survive. Yes, her husband worked, but he came home a drunk most nights in the week. As the story goes, things go wrong left and right and this woman is never cross. She believes in being happy; she takes the phrase "no matter how bad things get, they can always get worse" to heart and lives by it. She knows that being happy is the only way to get through a rough situation. The reason this reminds me of this time of year is because she was always giving. At times she would finally be able to do something for herself and yet again, a disaster would appear. These awful things never slowed her down, she was always patient and willing to give up her sweet time. This is how our Savior works. He will never fail to give his time and patience. Don't forget the true meaning of this time of year. It is so easy to get caught up in making sure everyone has what they want and that dinner will be as grand as your dreams, Christ would be happy with a glass of water. He loves you for you. "Are you apart of the "Inn" crowd, or are you one of the "Stable" few?"

One last thing. A few days ago, I received a text including her "Daily Thought". It stated: "If someone waits for you, it doesn't mean they have nothing to do, it just means that nothing else is more important than you."

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Cast Not Away Therefore Your Confidence

This is a talk by Elder Jeffery R. Holland. It was given at a BYU devotional March 2, 1999. It amazes me that even thirteen years later, things like talks, scriptures, etc, can be just as powerful as the day they were addressed.

A wonderful friend of mine sent me a text out of the blue a few weeks back that said I needed to read this talk, that it made her think of me. I pulled up the talk and began reading. The beginning was hard for me to follow, it didn't seem to have a whole lot in common with me and the things I was going through. But as I read on, I saw exactly why she had thought of me. The line I loved most was, "If it was right when you prayed about it and trusted it and lived for it, it is right now." He goes on to say, "Face your doubts. Master your fears. "Cast not away therefore your confidence." Stay the course and see the beauty of life unfold for you." I absolutely love this gospel. I have no clue where I'd be without it, no where good that's for sure. I am so grateful for the simple words of Elder Holland from thirteen years ago.

Today one of my best friends left to the MTC to serve the Lord for the next two years of his life. I am eternally grateful for missionaries like him the are so willing to give their time the ways they do. I cannot believe I only met him last September. He will forever remain in my heart, no matter what happens. If you know any Elders in the Auckland, New Zealand Mission, tell them to keep an eye out for Elder Smith. (:

PS: be mindful of what you are praying for. Monday I asked Heavenly Father to help me develop skills that will be beneficial as a wife and mother...Dallan came in after school covered in mud and had tracked it all through the garage. Mama was busy and for some crazy reason I jumped up to help. Guess I got an answer to my prayer. I just hope that wasn't a secret message telling me to master that skill, I better not live somewhere muddy when I have kids!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

God is ALWAYS there

I had an experience as a child. One that anyone else would disregard as anything but important. I was around the age of nine, and we had recently moved to a new house in a pretty young town. I was on a city soccer team. My first game was coming and I was pretty excited (I was a defender, so I felt as though my part of the team was much needed). The day of the game finally came. We thought we had left our home in plenty of time to be to the right field at the right time. After driving for a long time we got to the right neighborhood. We drove everywhere looking for the correct soccer field. After I started to get a little nervous (can't be late to your first game!), I announced that I was going to pray for God's help in finding this field. The second I said amen inside my head, my mother proclaimed, there's the field! I just knew we found it so quickly because I had prayed that we'd make it there in a timely manner.

This small part of my life was stuck inside my brain for unknown reasons...until now.

Fast forward a few years. Since moving out of my home and being on my own, fending for myself and all, I realized the true importance of prayer. I've had moments where inspirations come answers to prayers go across my mind like an electronic billboard. These were moments where I had to learn for myself what these things meant and how I was to handle the information I had received. That small moment while in search for the soccer field, I learned the importance of inspirations from God. I'm grateful for all of the knowledge I gained in my institute class. It was titled, Prep for Eternal Marriage: Dating and Courtship. You'd never believe some of the stuff I learned in that class. Thank you Brother Birch.

I just want to remind you that He will always listen. Be sure to understand that he knows what you want. He knows what you're asking for. But he also knows what's going to be best for you at this time in your life. Give God a chance. Don't blow him off because he doesn't give you a million dollars when you feel poor. And trust me, He won't get annoyed with you like your parents do when you ask 294857298374092758 times for a certain something. He'll give it to you sooner or later. HE LOVES YOU.

Don't be afraid to ask for comfort. If you want something to work out and you feel as though everything is going wrong...maybe the happiness is something you need to find and God just wants you to learn a few things along the way. Don't be afraid to ask for comfort.

Sunday, April 29, 2012


(Ashton and Keilan)
A few days ago, Keilan asked our friend, Sydney Jackman, to write him a song. Two days later she came up with one. Music, lyrics, maracas, the whole shebang!! To my surprise the song was about BOTH of us. I have never had anyone write a song for me, but it was so sweet (:


This song is going to be one of my best friends this summer. Seeing as Keilan lives so far away, I can rely on this every day I'm feeling down. I'm really going to miss him and can't wait to see the missionary he is going to grow into. Let's just get this over with PLEASE! and thank you.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Why is it that after high school, when you live five minutes or less from a single friend, you plan all of these times to get together and NONE of then work out (very few at least)? Now that I have nearly completed my first year of college, I feel like I am going to make more of an effort to see people that I do not live close to at all. Why is that?!

I'm sad to see them go, but I'm excited for new ones in the fall.

In honor of Sydney Ackley:
What did one car say to the other car? Hi! (:

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Summer Time

It has been way too long, and boy a lot has happened. My first year of college is nearly over. This is my last week of school, finals start next Tuesday. I hate packing, I'm not looking forward to it. I have learned a lot this year, made new friends, and found that I need better cooking skills (which will be solidified once the summer is over).
This ending of school is bitter sweet. I'm more than grateful to have a three/four month break from quizzes, homework, and waking up early. But I am definitely going to miss some people. I don't want the social aspect of Snow to disappear. I'll admit though, I am excited to be spending more time with my pal Syd. (:
My goals for the summer consist of:
1. Run everyday
2. Do all 90 days of P90X
3. See my Ogden friend(s)...A LOT
4. Cooking
5. Cooking
6. Cooking
7. Get a job
Sound like a plan? Easier said than done. Due to the lovely GrandMax and her wonderful heart getting us "Pass of All Passes", I'm never going to get anything done! Ughh. Thanks grandma. (:

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Twenty Twelve

Everyone always posts things about the new year. They have their resolutions, their new found ambitions, and they think they have found a love for exercising. How often do these things get "checked off" by December? Usually they are forgotten goals that tend to be given a second chance the following year. I am guilty of this.

I don't make new year resolutions every year, but I did this time around. No, I am not planning on running 50 pounds off, and I don't want to eat better. Let's get real. I'm a college student...I eat my peas and carrots, but I also play Dew Pong. Within the next 365 days (ish) I would like to be better at my morning prayers, serve more, and be like my mama.

She is an amazing woman. She used to always say, "I want to be like Ashton when I grow up..." boy has she blown that out of the water!! She is such an example to me. There have been times where I'd be, almost jealous, because I felt she had better goals than me, she was doing more good, she could cook anything and not get upset if it didn't turn out right, she always looked so pretty. It would discourage me. But now I see, she was just setting the perfect example for me the whole time, wether she knew it or not. I've always looked up to my mom, but now that I am older I see how much she has helped me with the little things by making me envious. I get competitive and I wanted to be better too. I am making better goals, I hope I'm doing more good, I am willing to attempt making something a second time around, and I actually get dressed into clothes other than sweats (except for my dance days).

This year my mom has set some amazing goals. By the end of the year, she is going to be the most saint-like person on Earth! I am tempted to copy her (but change things to suit me, of coarse). I hope that when I become a wife and mother with my own children I will be as good as her.

I want to be like my mom when I grow up...