Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Cast Not Away Therefore Your Confidence

This is a talk by Elder Jeffery R. Holland. It was given at a BYU devotional March 2, 1999. It amazes me that even thirteen years later, things like talks, scriptures, etc, can be just as powerful as the day they were addressed.

A wonderful friend of mine sent me a text out of the blue a few weeks back that said I needed to read this talk, that it made her think of me. I pulled up the talk and began reading. The beginning was hard for me to follow, it didn't seem to have a whole lot in common with me and the things I was going through. But as I read on, I saw exactly why she had thought of me. The line I loved most was, "If it was right when you prayed about it and trusted it and lived for it, it is right now." He goes on to say, "Face your doubts. Master your fears. "Cast not away therefore your confidence." Stay the course and see the beauty of life unfold for you." I absolutely love this gospel. I have no clue where I'd be without it, no where good that's for sure. I am so grateful for the simple words of Elder Holland from thirteen years ago.

Today one of my best friends left to the MTC to serve the Lord for the next two years of his life. I am eternally grateful for missionaries like him the are so willing to give their time the ways they do. I cannot believe I only met him last September. He will forever remain in my heart, no matter what happens. If you know any Elders in the Auckland, New Zealand Mission, tell them to keep an eye out for Elder Smith. (:

PS: be mindful of what you are praying for. Monday I asked Heavenly Father to help me develop skills that will be beneficial as a wife and mother...Dallan came in after school covered in mud and had tracked it all through the garage. Mama was busy and for some crazy reason I jumped up to help. Guess I got an answer to my prayer. I just hope that wasn't a secret message telling me to master that skill, I better not live somewhere muddy when I have kids!!

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