Sunday, April 29, 2012


(Ashton and Keilan)
A few days ago, Keilan asked our friend, Sydney Jackman, to write him a song. Two days later she came up with one. Music, lyrics, maracas, the whole shebang!! To my surprise the song was about BOTH of us. I have never had anyone write a song for me, but it was so sweet (:


This song is going to be one of my best friends this summer. Seeing as Keilan lives so far away, I can rely on this every day I'm feeling down. I'm really going to miss him and can't wait to see the missionary he is going to grow into. Let's just get this over with PLEASE! and thank you.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Why is it that after high school, when you live five minutes or less from a single friend, you plan all of these times to get together and NONE of then work out (very few at least)? Now that I have nearly completed my first year of college, I feel like I am going to make more of an effort to see people that I do not live close to at all. Why is that?!

I'm sad to see them go, but I'm excited for new ones in the fall.

In honor of Sydney Ackley:
What did one car say to the other car? Hi! (:

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Summer Time

It has been way too long, and boy a lot has happened. My first year of college is nearly over. This is my last week of school, finals start next Tuesday. I hate packing, I'm not looking forward to it. I have learned a lot this year, made new friends, and found that I need better cooking skills (which will be solidified once the summer is over).
This ending of school is bitter sweet. I'm more than grateful to have a three/four month break from quizzes, homework, and waking up early. But I am definitely going to miss some people. I don't want the social aspect of Snow to disappear. I'll admit though, I am excited to be spending more time with my pal Syd. (:
My goals for the summer consist of:
1. Run everyday
2. Do all 90 days of P90X
3. See my Ogden friend(s)...A LOT
4. Cooking
5. Cooking
6. Cooking
7. Get a job
Sound like a plan? Easier said than done. Due to the lovely GrandMax and her wonderful heart getting us "Pass of All Passes", I'm never going to get anything done! Ughh. Thanks grandma. (: