Thursday, December 1, 2011

Tribute To Those I Love

Stefanee Glass-
My dear mama. She acts like she is nineteen (about a month and we'll be the same age). We share clothes and laugh at everything/each other. PIE SALE. OH GOOD JOB MOM. YOU'RE BELL'S A TINKING. EXCUSE ME, I JUST FARKLED. etc. My mother recently gave me a gratitude journal. In this journal I have to find at least two things that I am grateful for. Now everyday I find myself looking for new things so that my journal isn't full of: family, friends, house, school, etc. She has taught me to open my eyes and be more thankful. I can never return all of the favors she has done for me, no matter how hard I try. She does everything she can to make sure I am okay. Not just me but the other 6 kiddies at home. I look up to mom in all the ways a person can look up to someone. I hope I can be a mother like her (and look as  good as her) when I grow up. I can't say enough so I hope this covers at least half, I LOVE YOU! and Thanks.

David Glass-
Daddy! He too acts like he's younger than he is. (: He too makes me laugh. One thing I'll always remember is "learn to swim, learn to swim." Don't ask me why, I know there are funnier things, but that one gets me smiling every time. I want my future husband to be like him. My dad can beat up your dad! He knows how to fix anything, get stains out of everything, and make wonderful sunday dinners! I love when he does little things to surprise me. When I got my laptop, he snuck a Milky Way in my bag for later. He doesn't mind being five or ten minutes late, and he likes to show you how to do something with LOTS of added information, but these little things mean to world to me. I can't say enough so I hope this covers at least half,  I LOVE YOU! and Thanks.

Andrew Payne-
Hey everyone, this is my best friend!! Soccer playing, book reading, church going best friend. (: He is good at cheering me up when I am sad, which he some how always knows when that is. I'm grateful to have him in my life. He has changed so much in the past two years and I cannot believe then man he is turning into. I am so proud! I'm going to miss him so much when he leaves for mission, which will be soon (fingers crossed). I need to get these two presents off my hands (he hates when I surprise him)! He's always been there for me and I know I can count on him to continue being there. He is the perfect friend for me, even when I have my freak out vent days. You always listened. Thanks.

Cassady Christensen-
AKA, other best friend. Then one who got me going here. She has made my first year of college so much easier. Even though she will not be a dance major with me anymore, I am glad she'll still be there to help me with my stress. We haven't known each other very long but one of the first times we hung out she said, "You know, we're gonna be friends for a long time!" Amen sister! I love when we eat dinner at her house and when she makes me do my homework the day it's assigned. She has taught me to be less tense and be more laid back about things. She's let me vent to her multiple times and in return I listen. She likes me for me, and love everything about her!! Thanks.

Sydney Ackley-
AKA, best friends since cave men roamed the earth (we like cavemen...with ninja clothes and umbrellas). We were like peanut butter and jelly for a very long time. Inside jokes up the wazoo. We have recently become pen-pals, and I absolutely love when I see a letter from her in the mail for me. Brightens my day. She is a unique person. I don't think I could find anyone like her again in a million years. Except maybe her mom. (: Even though we had some rough times, strangely enough we found our way back to each other (non-romance). I am happy to say we are friends and that she understands me so well. One day we can act like we are seven and a half, the next, twenty four. I love the diversity with her. Venting is something I picked up with her. I used to bottle up the negativity and explode later, which is proven to be unhealthy. She showed me that it was okay to get mad once and a while and that it helps to talk it out. I don't think she has realized how badly I was going to need that technique in my life. Thanks.

Haley Bateman-
She is yet another best friend. Ducky and Vidro, like peas in a pod. I love everything about her. Even the blonde moment. "Is Juab a Jewish school?"...yes, she was serious. I wish she could have come to Snow with me. We would NEVER sleep! I miss her very much and I love when she visits. She has been such a good friend to me and she better be at my wedding! Or we'll just get married the same time. (: I love that after anything she says I can simply say, "That's funny." Or when she says, "I have a funny story to tell you," then I"m cracking up before she has even said one word. but our favorite is, "...and you think this is a joke," "BLEHHHH!" (Kung Fu Panda 1). We like to laugh. Thanks.

Mykel Braiden-
Neighbor down the street from my parent's house. She lets me cry in front of her with out making fun of me. She too can bring out my immature side. I loved going to girl's camp with her and watching her grow. She is an amazing young women. Her testimony is outstanding, just like her. She is always asking when I'll be home next so that she can bake me home-made oreos (super delicious). And she is a bookworm with me. Thanks.

Natalie Fullmer-
My Aunt Nat. She's been so kind to let me stay at ALL (except the little farm house) of her places! She recently moved so I got one more to pay a visit to. This women is another example to me. She's been through a lot but always seems positive. She's been my favorite aunt as far as I can remember. I love outings with her my mother, and their mother, GrandMax. She is smack dab in the middle between the years of me and my mother. One thing I am super grateful for is all of the help she gave me for my preparation to attend college. Bowls and containers galore, by the way, I use all of them! Where would I be without her. Thanks.

Janica Hayes-
My dance teacher since I was a pee-wee of only 13. She has taught me everything I know about dance. Introduced me to modern too. Which now is my absolute favorite. She encouraged me in everything I did with dance. She even convinced me to study dance in college. I wish she would resign from Westlake High School and come to Ephraim to Snow College and teach me here! I miss her very much. Her and WDC. Thanks.

Logan McGill-
He became a very close friend last year. I was always his dummy for creating cool lifts and whatnot for WDC. He'd tell me all of his stories, his girl drama, and how his day went. And he gave me rides to every practice and rehearsal. Me and Logan connected and always understood what the other person was trying to say. I found out his favorite fruit is not a pear. I had a lot of laughs with him, and I cried when the year was over with him. He calls me every now and again to remind me he still cares. He wonders how I'm doing and what I have been up to. I miss watching him dance and dancing with him. I hope one day we can. Congrats on the dance major!! Thanks.


  1. You're welcome, and thank you Ash. (: Love ya!

  2. Wow! I think that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said about me! Thank you! haha. I love you. :)
